As a new member of the kinship, you will be granted the title of "Commoner". You will have a 14-day period, called the Citizenship Process, in which you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the policies and philosophy of the kinship and your realm/nation/kingdom.
The completion of the Citizenship Process and the additional realm/nation/kingdom requirement grants you eligibility for "Citizen" promotion. Promotion is given by the lord/governor/king of your realm/nation/kingdom upon your formal presentation and/or written inquiry.
Keeping this in mind, make sure that you remember that your duty and allegiance is to your realm/nation/kingdom. Its commoners and citizens are your primary resource and its lord/governor/king, your leader.
A list of universal expectations is listed below.
You will be expected to explore gameplay, develop crafting skills, and advance your character independently, with the support of fellow realm/nation/kingdom commoners and citizens. You should not be consistently asking or begging fellow kinship members for assistance to the point of sheer ingnorance. While members should be a resource to each other, they should not be expected to play the game for you.
You will be expected to support your fellow realm/nation/kingdom members. Assiting on quests, character development, and vocation development is highly encouraged. Your individual work ethic will strengthen your ability to assist and lead fellow members in their own individual development.
You will be expected to take care of your own finances. You should not be asking or begging fellow kinship members for money, barring very rare, unique sitations. This also applies to crafting resources, more particularly, resources that you can gather on your own.
You will be expected to treat all kinship members will respect. Multiple, unnecessarily irritating emote interactions and verbatum repetition of tells, IMs, and kinship/fellowship chat entries are some examples of disrespect. While individual items reflecting respect can be listed, save yourself a book of laws through adhering to this simple concept: use courtesy and common sense in your actions and interactions with others.
You will be expected to abide by the philosophy and structure of the kinship. The majority of these are common sense, practical, and to the benefit of social well-being. The best way to learn is to listen to your authorities and to review the kinship blog regularly.